Here is some late breaking hints and tips on using 3D World that did not make it into the manual before it went to print.
• The smaller the window the faster QuickDraw 3D will draw. It may be useful to save a layout as a Default Stationery Pad. (See manual)
• If you have a hardware accelerator card from Apple, the rendering will draw A LOT quicker if you do not allow the palette windows to obscure the main window.
• Closing the Info palette will speed up the redraws quite a bit as 3D World will not have to update the coordinates during the updates.
• 32 bit color (millions) is fastest with QuickDraw 3D followed by 16 bit (thousands). 8 bit color (256) is slowest but can be sped up a bit if you have a background picture by selecting plain rendering in the camera palette as we do not dither the image.
• Background and foreground pictures will slow down the rendering quite a bit and should only be used once you are near completion of your design.
• Do not enter regular polygons with an odd number of sides larger than 12 as you will get stange effects.
• If you see funny lines on flat surfaces during rendering just turn on back face removal and the hidden lines will disappear. This is due to QuickDraw 3D not being able to resolve which surface is in front of another.
• Version 1.0.4 of QuickDraw 3D (when it is released early next year) will fix a problem where you may not be able to read in files which have lots of the same texture applied to many different objects unless you have enough memory to read in that many copies of the textures. 3D World will however re-cache the textures correctly after the whole file is read in.
• Version 1.0.4 of QuickDraw 3D will also fix a major memory over usage when using textures. If you start getting the "Low on memory" dialog, just save your file and quit 3D World. When you re open the file you will have lots of memory again.